About the IFS Open Space gatherings

The next IFS Open Space weekend is on the 5th/6th April 2025. Booking will open in February 2025.

Welcome to the website of IFS Open Space. You’ll find information here about the annual weekend events, details of how to book (when open) and how to contact us.

The first IFS Open Space weekend took place in 2018 and the gatherings have taken place every Spring since. The aim is to support a growing UK Internal Family Systems community, to have a channel for IFS enthusiasm and ideas, and to share our learning and our ‘not-knowing’.

Not a training or a conference, the weekend events are a way of coming together as a community of IFS practitioners to learn, explore and have fun, making the most of shared time with others who love IFS too. The gatherings are open to those who have completed (or are in the process of) an IFSI Level 1 training. We see our community as beyond the UK borders and participants from overseas are very welcome.

The gatherings have taken place at the Penny Brohn Centre near Bristol, apart from in 2021 when the Covid pandemic meant that we moved online.

We gather around a question related to IFS and use the Open Space process as a way to make the most of our time together. Our weekends start with us co-creating the agenda, with time and space available for exploration of whatever matters to the people there at the time. Those present are totally invited to do whatever is right for them and their parts, and people are encouraged to follow their IFS interests and passions, including if that means shifting in the middle of something to go where they’d rather be. We are relaxed but conscious about time, and trust in the Self-leadership and Self-organisation of the group.

Each year has attracted more participants and each year there has been a rich feast of conversations on a range of topics to do with IFS. We have talked a lot, laughed, played, sung, meditated, walked, and danced together. With time to work, rest and play, there’s something to satisfy all parts.

Initially the hosting team was Angela Hayes, Liz Martins, Annzella Gregg, Toni Buffham, and Marion Blain.

From 2020 the hosting team has been Liz Martins, Toni Buffham and Sarah Burns.

We’re grateful to Carolyn Caldwell who provided our admin support for many years and now to Mary Tryner who has stepped in to provide this. For our online gathering in 2021, Filip Nowak provided great technical support.

For more information, you can listen to an IFS Talks podcast from 12 September 2020 titled: ‘The UK IFS Open Space: A Talk with Liz Martins‘. From 13 minutes in, Liz talks about the origins of the event, describes Open Space, gives a flavour of what’s happened in previous gatherings, and makes links between IFS and Open Space. Here’s a link


You can find more information about Open Space at www.openspaceworld.org

You can join our mailing list at http://eepurl.com/dFqPwL . If you click on IFSOS when you open the link (or cut and paste in your browser), it should take you to a page where you can subscribe.

What participants have said

“it stimulated my mind and heart”

“nurturing, creative, fabulous… I came away feeling so good”

“never before have I experienced such exquisite, beautiful freedom”

“an incredible opportunity to explore a range of IFS topics with highly creative and open-minded colleagues, in the safety of a perfect venue”

“a buffet of deliciousness”

I’m grinning from ear to ear and my heart is full and warm and overflowing. That expresses how the weekend has been and also how my parts long for the connection and community and how blessed I feel to be part of, and belong to, this community”

IFS and Open Space is a match made in heaven” 

…..the conversations, the listening, the open heartedness, the courage, the sharing and the willingness and humility and humanity to just come into a space and say I don’t know anything about this but I’m interested

 “a warm space for connection”

This was the invitation for the 2024 weekend.


You are warmly invited to the 7th annual weekend gathering of the IFS community in the UK and beyond.

We’d like to invite the parts of you to join us that love to learn, to explore, to dance, to walk, to laugh, that want to chat in corners and have stimulating conversations in small groups. Parts that appreciate freedom and choice to do whatever feels right for your system in the here and now. 

We particularly extend our invitation to those parts of you that love what IFS offers the world and want to spend time in warm connection with others that love it too, meeting old friends and making new ones.

We’ll gather at 10.00am on Saturday, 27th April and leave at around 4.00pm on Sunday 28th. As usual we’ll convene using Open Space as a process, trusting in the wisdom of self-organisation and Self-leadership.  Together we’ll co-create a programme for the weekend that will encourage and allow each of us to follow our IFS interests. On Saturday evening we’ll have a shared dinner and then spend our evening in whatever way feels best.  

The hosting team for this year continues as Sarah Burns, Liz Martins and Toni Buffham, with Mary Tryner now providing admin support. 

There’s some accommodation available at the Centre in comfortable en-suite rooms and if the Centre is full, there are other possibilities not far away. The Centre is easy to access by car, train, plane and bike.

You can find the details of how to book below. Our fee is about covering the costs and not about making a profit. Any surplus is donated or kept as contingency for future gatherings. The fee this year is £125 which includes light lunches, refreshments and snacks on both days, and dinner on Saturday evening.

Please be aware that places are limited and that we’ll be operating on a first come, first served basis. We are likely to sell out quickly as this is a popular event. Booking will close on April 12th and earlier if full.

The places at the weekend are limited and, regretfully, as we would love to welcome all comers, our invitation is for those who have completed (or are in the process of completing) a Level 1 IFS Institute training. This allows us all to have a shared understanding and experience of IFS. We’re aware of the difficulties and frustrations currently of getting a place on a Level 1 and hope to see anyone in this position at a future IFS Open Space gathering before too long.

The hosting team for this year continues as Sarah Burns, Liz Martins and Toni Buffham. Carolyn Caldwell will be supporting us with admin.

What is ‘Open Space’?

Imagine a gathering that doesn’t start with a pre-set agenda, but instead an empty one. 

Imagine all the people who are there are the right people because they have chosen to be there and want to really explore and learn about something together. 

Imagine a gathering that doesn’t start with a pre-set agenda, but instead an empty one. 

Imagine a gathering where we are relaxed but conscious about time, and where nobody ever stays where they don’t feel they want to, where it’s okay to get up in the middle of something and follow your interest to a place you’d rather be. 

And imagine a gathering where nothing drags on longer than it needs to. 

Imagine that gathering is this one, and that there’s an empty agenda up there on the wall with time slots and meeting spaces waiting to be filled by you, right here, right now. 

And all you have to do is step up and announce your session, and whatever happens is what happens, whoever comes are there because it’s right for them to be there, and however long it lasts, is the right length of time for it to be. 

Imagine we are starting right now………. 

(adapted from Paul Levy)

Booking for 2024

BOOKING FOR 2025 will open in February.

The gathering takes place at the Penny Brohn Centre near Bristol from 10.00am on Saturday until around 4.00 on Sunday


The charge for the weekend includes refreshments, dinner on Saturday, and a light lunch on both days. Please note that the fee is to cover costs and is not about making a profit.

Accommodation in en-suite double/twin bedrooms at Penny Brohn is an additional cost. There are also 2 parking spaces for camper vans and 2 camping spaces. (Note no access to toilet facilities between 11.30pm and 6.30am). .

Accommodation (and spaces for camping/camper vans) should be booked directly with the centre.

When you’ve received confirmation of your place, the email to book is:


Please note that the event is for people who have completed (or are in the process of completing) an IFS Institute Level 1 training.


Step 1   Email openspace.ifs@gmail.com to reserve a place. We’ll send details about how to make a payment.

Step 2 Make the payment to confirm your place at the event. YOUR PLACE WILL NOT BE CONFIRMED UNTIL WE RECEIVE YOUR PAYMENT.

Step 3 When you’ve received confirmation from Mary that you have a place, book your accommodation directly with the Penny Brohn Centre. It’s possible to stay Friday night as well as Saturday. If you require dinner on Friday evening you’ll need to book this at the same time. (Saturday dinner and lunches are already included in the fee).

Please be aware that places are likely to go quickly based on our experience of previous years.

You’ll find answers to some common questions below. If you don’t find the answers here, and have questions prior to booking please email us at openspace.ifs@gmail.com.

Subscribe to our mailing list at http://eepurl.com/dFqPwL


Q: What are the refund arrangements if I book and then find that I can’t come?

Until the closing date (12th April) 50% of the fee for the weekend will be refundable. After this date, we regret that we’re not able to offer refunds.

Q: I’ve read a lot about IFS, been on taster workshops, and have been introducing IFS into my work – but I haven’t managed to get onto a Level 1 course yet. Can I still come?

A: We’re really sorry that this isn’t possible. Places on the weekend are limited, and the IFS community continues to grow. Much as we’d love to welcome all-comers, the invitation is for those who are in the process of, or have completed, Level 1. This allows us all to have a shared foundation in understanding and experience of IFS

Q: If the weekend is over-subscribed, will there be a waiting list and how do I get on it?

A: Places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, and once we reach our maximum capacity the next few enquirers will go onto a waiting list. In previous years there have always been a few cancellations during the final couple of weeks. We’ll keep you updated with how it’s going, and will ask you to let us know if you’re no longer available.

Q: I can only come on one of the days, is this OK?

A: Open Space is a self-organising methodology and one of the principles is ‘whoever comes are the right people’. So there are no rules about which sessions you go to and which you don’t – it’s your choice, and you can decide to be with us on only one of the days. You’ll probably feel more grounded in the group if you can come to the initial opening circle and be part of the session-planning that takes place then, but our hosting team will be around to chat and help you to catch up whenever you arrive.

Q: If I only come for one day, do I get a reduction in the fees?

A: The registration fee is a flat rate for the whole weekend.

Q: I have particular dietary requirements – will this be a problem?

A: The wonderful Penny Brohn staff are used to catering for all sorts of different diets – as long as you let us know what you can / can’t eat when you register, they’ll sort it out.

Q: What other accommodation is there, if I can’t get one of the rooms at Penny Brohn? 

A: We suggest looking on AirBnb or Booking.com and search ‘Clifton, Bristol UK’. Also https://visitbristol.co.uk/accommodation/searchresults?sr=1&cat=vb15accbbs&poly=8413&rtfa=on

Q: Can I bring my camper van or camp?

There’s limited space – parking for 2 vans and 2 camping spaces only. The charge includes use of a shower and breakfast (Saturday dinner and lunches are included in our charge for the weekend). There’s no access to the building including toilets between the hours of 11.30pm and 6.30am. You would need to book directly with Penny Brohn centre on the email above.

Do you offer reduced fee places?

The fee is calculated to cover our costs, not to make a profit or pay the organisers. It is approximately equivalent to a therapist’s income for a few hours work and we try to keep the fee to a minimum. However, if the cost is prohibitive for you, please do get in touch with us and we will help. We want the event to be accessible.


You can contact us by email at openspace.ifs@gmail.com

Details of how to book for the IFS Open Space gatherings will be posted on this site when open.

If you want to be sure of receiving information to events, including when booking is open, you can subscribe to our mailing list at http://eepurl.com/dFqPwL